Difference between West Coast VC attitudes and East Coast vs. Attitudes
Realized this at a recent conference. Warning! Gross oversimplified fable follows:
"A serial entrepeneur whose last company has gone bust (no buyout/takeover or exit strategy) goes to visit two VC's about his new idea - one East coast based and one West coast based.
The East coast VC meets with him shakes his hand and says "sounds interesting, we'll get back to you". He walks into his partner's office and says--"why the hell would I invest in this guy, his last company blew-up"
Fast forward to the West Coast VC meeting:
The West coast VC meets the serial entrepeneur, shakes his hand and says "sounds interesting, we'll get back to you". He walks into his partners office and says--"we've got to invest in this guy he is always coming up with new ideas"
And therein - lies the difference - East Coast leans towards sounds business and West Coast puts ideas first. WHich is better? You decide...;)