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June 24, 2010


I do share your view Deborah. But we mustn't forget the position of Chatter, which is a kind of lobby or saloon above the CRM app., designed for managing the relationships and features of companies, through true people's insight and feedback (here commercials and their backing colleagues)...
To my view, in addition with your organizational point, the key issue stands in the capitalization and tagging, as I said them in a trade show in Paris.
Here comes some good missions in a mix of management, anthropology and change management that thes Web 2 or 3 technologies entail. To pay for that! The same for seeing your second eye?:))

I love "exploring the downstream human implications of what they are building". Think I'm going to borrow that to discuss with my team today ;)

Gavin - you teasing me..;) OK - you are right it is an AWK sentence. I cannot believe I am falling prey to geek speak..thanks for pointing it out!

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