Thanks to everyone who took the time to join our call yesterday to learn about our approach to the Future of Business [yes, it's a bit grandiose but we aim high!]. Charlene, Jeremiah, Ray & I all have a strongly held passionate belief that the future of business involves a 360 degree integrated approach involving lots of shifts and changes. The real interesting stuff happens when we view new tools and technologies not in isolation but in the context of the behavioral, sociological, cultural, organizational and financial impacts our new Networked Age presents us with. A 360 degree impact requires looking outside as well as in. In the not too distant future we will have a completely different set of rules and definitions of what even constitutes "inside & outside" an organization.
In the hour we allotted, half of it was devoted to Q&A. We barely scratched the surface. Our objective was to give you a taste of our approach, get some feedback and open the doors for you to tell us how you would like to work with us. We hope to keep the dialogue going on our blogs and via the twitter hashtag #futurebiz. We encourage you to prod and challenge us - it takes an ecosystem to innovate.
Hello there,
I agree with pretty much everything in this blog post. While I agree I can't prove it! I was wondering how you actually proved that this was occurring - are you aware of any peer reviewed academic research?
all the best
Posted by: Chris Sparshott | February 02, 2010 at 12:26 PM