Here is my half of a recent presentation that Brian Oberkirch and I gave at Web2Expo in SF, called "It''s the People Stupid- Designing Social Experiences. The premise of the talk was that the participatory, social web requires a new design sensibility and new human skills & behavior that we are only beginning to understand. However, there are ways to look at this and a beginning framework from where everyone can start. After all, we take our selves with us wherever we go - both online & offline.
It's the People Stupid
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Wow! I really loved this ppt...Good one.
Posted by: Prabodh | June 03, 2009 at 02:24 AM
Deborah Schultz
Technology changes, humans don't
[email protected]
cell: 917-848-1016 (PST)
Posted by: Debs | June 03, 2009 at 06:02 PM
This is great. Thank you for sharing this information. It's so simple yet so many people are looking for the magic formula or instant success. Building and maintaining relationships takes time. There is no shortcut. Thanks for reminding us it is ultimately about people!
Posted by: Jeff Hurt | June 11, 2009 at 07:10 AM
Nice presentation -- just tweeted it (RTing @ronpeno who tweeted it first, according to I like the fact that it's a good overview & very visually compelling -- good way to introduce the concepts esp to people who aren't familiar with this frame for online interaction.
Posted by: Mary Walker | June 11, 2009 at 11:46 AM
I really connected with the presentation, especially "the love you give is equal to the love you get". I would probably write "the love you get is equal to or greater than the love you give" - Isn't that how love grows?
You spell it out very clearly and summed up where we should be heading (slide 29) very well.
Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Yuval | July 28, 2009 at 01:16 AM
Thanks Yuval - glad you liked it!!!
and you are right - I should swap those two phrases!
Deborah SchultzTechnology changes, humans don't
[email protected]http://www.deborahschultz.comcell: 917-848-1016 (PST)twitter: debs
Posted by: Debs | July 31, 2009 at 02:11 PM
I can see why big IT businesses would like your approach, but how about adding some critical or at least political content to your relationships with people via technology? Is it innately valuable to have a "handshake" with other people via an enter key? What might obstruct relationships form developing, as much as enable them, in the packaging and commodities of IT companies? Your presentations look very pretty, but there are just so many questions, and you're barely scratching the surface of your keyboard.
Posted by: Etheoreal | November 03, 2009 at 02:59 PM
Completely agree that this is very topline - it is a talk to get people to start thinking about the page as a social space and create a metaphor. Comes out of my frustration that many are not thinking and realizing that people are connecting, socializing and participating online not just passive old metpahors - aka web pages.
This was actually written not for big IT businesses but for an audience from small startups - designer and developers to large non - tech organizations.
It is not innately valuable to have a handshake but it is a way to think of what happens when people enter a site
What do you mean by adding political content? What am I missing?
Posted by: Debs | November 03, 2009 at 07:45 PM