Stuff I found interesting this week » Alan Cooper Told The Audience What They Wanted To Hear, Not What They Needed To Hear
the dichotomy between design and business in a post-industrial economy - bridges must be built between craft and commerce - this can be done.
I totally agree - just as better bridges and mechanisms need to be built between tech and business to forge relevant relationships between companies and customers in a post-industrial/social web world.
Anil Dash: Not Rude, Familiar
Exactly - New Yorkers are not rude - actually , after living in Sf for over three years - I am more convinced than ever that we are indeed quite friendly and helpful. MOre than most - we have to be as a survival tactic. [yes, "we" - you can take the girl out of NY....]
Customer service via Twitter works for unpopular people too | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone
Comcast is using Twitter to monitor customer service. And it works!
Dancing With Gorillas: The New Web Era - ReadWriteWeb
The new Web era is about the mainstream. This is when millions of small businesses and digital free agents make a good living by providing better products to ...