Some smart posts from smart people this week - all centered around innovative thinking.
JP Rangaswami - his take on "weaving" dubbed "capillary conversations" - love it.
Doc on defining & describing the social graph in english. [Doc you read my mind - this was exactly the session I ran at SGFoo! - more on this later]
Josh Bernoff on Cluetrain revisited
Umair on the DNA of Advantage
Valeria on Questions & Innovation
Brian on when hacking hardware or when data flows everywhere [something i think about a lot]
Armano on the "application economy" aka useful = value [amen brother!]
Susan Mernit on amplification of our lives online
Sean Bohan on Listening & blogging
Chris Carfi on KK's new book -thanks for summary - can't wait till it comes out!
Thank you for the link, Deb. I'll look for your thoughts on the social graph. This is a useful collection of links, some new to me!
Posted by: Valeria Maltoni | February 16, 2008 at 09:09 AM