This morning I took a break from being in execution mode to catch-up on some of my favorite feeds - sharing these great ones with y'all.
Fluidity of the Web - Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for posting some notes on Anil's recent talk at WebDirectionsNorth on Web tools and business. Many of these point are relevant beyond enterprise - and are just plain relevant to web tools. Once again , I nod to Anil for not getting caught up in 'shiny bling' - but what is always at the root of why we love these technologies - the way they facilitate relationships between people & businesses [if we let them]. Particularly love these points - always seem obvious to me - but not to everyone -
- We have so much potential with this technology; we have responsibilities that come with that & we need to use these tools of change wisely. They have real world impact.
- The Web tools enable relationships. This is new for business tools. Relationships (esp. reciprocal) are never mentioned.
- We aren’t different people at work & home. [that's right and current enterprise security measures are making it really hard to be fluid like the web]
- Don't talk jargon
- We are moving from a focus on words to gestures [LOVE this SO true]
- The Web is in motion - [yup, this is alpha days - pretty exciting tho if you have the stying power and can live in flux land]
Let's rethink the word content, people: Content is a media industry term -
"As far as I am concerned there are only two platforms - the individual user and the web" -
Brilliantly stated Adriana!
The social evolution has just begun - Things are starting to get really exciting around managing our digiltal lives and social connections - opensocial, dataportability, actions streams etc etc. But let's not believe we can solve it all with open platforms alone - things are going to get way more complicated before they get simpler. We need to have a better understanding of how people share and connect online. We are in our infancy on this one. Heck, we are still using the "web pages" metaphor for stuff that frankly is not a page and we are using the "friend" metaphor for all our loosely joined connections online. As Stowe points out and I completely concur -
"we need a "new fusion of the concepts of social media reflected in real social context and the nature of the current web".....or we are at risk of "bleed[ing] out all the social subtleties" of how we interact in the real world. [great term Stowe!]
I just love smart people.