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November 27, 2007


Alas, there's no graphic of the silhouetted girl with professionally-styled hair *AFTERWARDS*, in which she says to the ponytailed silhouette, "He was terrible."

The caption: "Consumer Reports"

Hi Deborah - great post (and graphic). I would like to use these images in my upcoming post. Will that be okay with you? I will of course send you the link love.

Please do let me know,

Justin - very funny!

Michael - not my graphic to give - I got the post via Brand Identity Blog. But go ahead and link to it as long as you give him link love as well [see my bread crumbs]

what a good way to explain Marketing...
thanks a lot...
i think i may find it of some use for my company...

Website Designing and Development Co. Mumbai.

I think as long as we look at these graphics in the context of social media, we need another slide showing the gals validating or disputing that indeed our silhouetted stud muffin is a great lover.

Fantastic blog!

Thanks craig - indeed u are correct we are - ideally - missing final slide with said stud muffin smoking a cig..;)

Brand Identity Guru did not create that image. It is from the book ZAG by Marty Neumeier - that's where the credit should go to.

Zag 0 I stand corrected - thanks for pointing out - will correct asap! BTW - love your blog!

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