I had the pleasure and honor of being asked by Brady Forrest to give an Ignite talk at Ignite Seattle and then again at Gnomedex. As I only had one day notice, I smushed down a longer bit on how we weave in the uber-social networked world. Practice makes perfect and giving this talk twice gave me some additional "aha-'s and feedback from the crowd. My passion (ok, obsession) about observing and dissecting this aspect of our digital culture is a work in progress. I had some great hallway chats that I am sure will make it into
future versions.
Hard to believe but this was actually my first Gnomedex - schedule just never seemed to allow before this year. It was great to finally meet Chris & Ponzi F2F! Thanks to both of them as well as Brady for putting on two great events. What a great intro to Seattle.
Just wanted to say that, though short, I thought your presentation was one of the more enlightening parts of Gnomedex this year. Great job, and thanks!
Posted by: Alex M. Dunne | August 16, 2007 at 05:40 PM
Thanks Alex - that is indeed an honor. Glad u liked it.
Posted by: deb schultz | August 16, 2007 at 10:04 PM
it was also one of the better visually designed presentations I've seen in a while. Great visuals and just the right amount of text.
Posted by: J.J. Toothman | August 17, 2007 at 05:43 PM
Great post and presentation...
Posted by: zuzi | November 11, 2007 at 06:31 AM