laser-focus, originally uploaded by andreinafrica.
Last week's Web2Expo conference was a definite success - smart people, good networking and not too much hype [buzz is fine, hype is not]. David Hornik and Richard McManus have some good wrap-ups and observations for those who were not able to attend and did not catch any of the live streams. Sean Bohan and Mario Sundar are two of the worlds fastest live bloggers. Check em out for the line-by-line stuff.
Sean actually referred to the week as "hanging out with my aggregator". I really like that. Nothing really does replace face to face for cementing previous relationships or bonding with new.
My take away percolating in the zeitgeist is that it is time to FOCUS on getting it done. Whatever it is for you - go out and make it happen and try not to get too distracted by the noise.