As promised - here are the slides from the workshop Anil and I ran at Web2Expo. Some of the meaning will be lost on those who were not in the room, but we hope it provides some guidance and food for thought
I have also started a new account - username Relationship_Economy - specifically as an umbrella for all things community, social media and new marketing related. This way folks who are always asking for tools, blogs to read etc can just subscribe to the feed to keep up. I have to thank Niall Kennedy for this smart idea that he shared with me as he does the same thing for feed related stuff.
At the moment the account is a good start and contains a bunch of bookmarks to blogs, books and tools. It is by no means meant to be all inclusive, So, please I invite you to add your own, just tag em with "relationship_economy" and share the wealth.
Note: Jerry MIchalski [ aka mr. relationship economy] is back online!