I am in the midst of giving a worskhop with Tara and Kathleen at the Community 2.0 conference in Vegas. We are in a room of 50+ smart corporate folks who are passionate about the opportunity to engage with their customers (why else would they be in a dark room at 9am on a Sunday morning).
I just finished leading a favorite exercise of mine that demonstrates community building by shaking up the room a bit. Basically - their is nothing like a room full of people all arriving with a blank slate in a room to demonstrate how our individual and collective tacit and explicit theories drive assumptions about community.
Now that Kathleen has the floor, I am catching up on some blog posts from SXSW. Unfortunately, I am not there live this year, as I am prepping for a big trip to Israel. However, thanks to the 'always connected nature of the gang at SXSW - I am watching from afar. Almost as good as being there (without the parties and beer of course).
The fact that these two conferences are in separate cities is a HUGE missed opportunity. I had noted this before arrival, but now that I am here in the flesh it frustrates and saddens me. There is much learning that both groups could gain from each other - especially the corporate folks from the SXSW crowd (although the issues of public/private/legal are bigger for the corporate folks)
There is nothing like seeing vibrant passionate individuals who are building cool stuff in action to really understand the power of the individual. Granted, I am always trying to spread the gospel of the new stuff, so it may not be that important to others. But to me the fact that these two conferences are happening in parallel universes amplifies the chasm of top down, bottom up approach to 'community building'.
Maybe next year - some "corporate guinea pigs' will be entrenched enough in the new universe to sneak into SXSW and visa versa.
Thanks to Jeremiah, Chris, and all my twitter friends for keeping me up to date from afar.