I have been following the latest blogging flame wars from my current travels abroad. It has afforded me an interesting perch from which to observe the current state of affairs in the insider-world of blogging. As usual Anil has hit the nail on the head as he referred to posts that Mena wrote a while back on the very subject of "blogger civility". It is hard to watch something you love get corrupted and for someone as talented as Kathy to be physically threatened. Geez - she is one of the truly unique voices who advocates for the people using the tools.
Here in Israel, everyone is really waking up to the power of blogging and embracing it wholeheartedly (think blogosphere about 18 months ago). They are linking, commenting, vlogging and podcasting - and they are taking the tools to an whole new level [more on this later]. All this enthusiasm and creativity has helped balance the flames and reminds me that my mantra still holds true:
Technology changes, human nature does not.
Plenty has already been written and reflected upon. So, I will simply add that the onus is on all of us who love this great new landscape of social media to take the high road, police ourselves and insure that those who were not hugged enough as children do no get a platform from which to threaten and bully.