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October 03, 2006


So what if a company fails to integrate marketing into the core of the business ?

and what if the companies idea of "viral" is to buy traffic and placement at small sites for the company to create awareness ?

I like the effect of sneezing - I really do - but in practice nowadays - we are still incredibly oldschool when it comes to marketing, even viral marketing.

just my two cents *s*

Henriette - you are correct, we are still incredibly old school on this stuff. I don;t think this is an either or strategy it is an AND strategy. I think it is symbiotic and it also depends on the niche. I still maintain that no matter what your business - if you are in it for the long haul - you cannot go wrong with spending the extra effort to create an authentic relationship with your customers. It is the nature of the beat that products need to be iterative today - so if you have a good relationship with your customer's they will go along for the ride.

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