Kudos to Rishad Tobaccowala, CEO of Denuo for challenging the OMMA marketing audience to focus on language and call it like it is. Scott Karp summarizes "One of Rishad’s best riffs [is on] getting rid of the “crap” language that we use.
- Please let’s talk about people and not consumer or user.
- Target Audience: Do I need to be hunted?
- 360 Surround: Don’t you feel trapped when people talk about 360 marketing?
- User Generated Content: Since when did I become a heroin addict?
- Consumer: I create, I retransmit, I edit, I share — I’m not defined by your stupid brand.
- People, that’s what we need to think about.
- People, person, human.
- Treat me as a person, not some user, consumer, addict, shallow person defined by your brand or some other form of low life.
- Get rid of the crap language that we use because it makes no sense. You know it and I know it, yet we get taken for a ride. But I’m calling it like it is.
Some additional interesting points:
- Throw out your plans, address the crap, enjoy the ride
- Iterate, iterate, iterate. [something tech companies currently understand but large media and marketing guys don't]
- Mind your organization. We talk about Web 2.0 - most marketing organizations are barely Web 1.0, and their organizations don't support the iteration needed to succeed in the new marketplace.
- Mind your API - learn how to work with other organizations [did he really use API with ad folks as a metaphor for partnerships..;)
- Interaction consideration intent - not everything ends up in a click to buy and we need new metrics to add to the existing ones [Yes!]
- Marketing is being outsourced to people - it is about facilitating intent! {there is that INTENT word popping up again]
You can read more tidbits from the conference here and here, but honestly only Rishad's speech calls it like it is.