Many of you know that I have a passionate belief in transparent marketing - why else would I be working at a blog software company? If you don't respect both your customers and have a great product, no amount of advertising or marketing dollars can save you. In that sense, I consider myself a Customer Advocate (not a bad title) versus a corporate shill. So it is with mixed emotions that I have been watching, observing and participating in the world of (danger, buzz words ahead) "Consumer Generated Content", Word of Mouth Marketing, Buzz Marketing and now "Documentary Advertising". After reading Suw Charmin's post about coBrandit on the BlogOnSummit blog and Steve Rubel's advice to Dell, I started ruminating on this topic - again. On the one hand - Amen - the customer is getting a voice and advertisers beware. On the other hand, anything that over processes and tries to "consumerize" something that to me is common sense and unique for each company and product, makes me very very leery.
Someone convince me not to be afraid...