Falls under the heading of - let's not all drink the Kool-aid all at once. If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times (OK - not that often on this blog) - we are currently only at the exciting start of the shift in communications and customer interaction that weblogs are forcing. In that vein Andy Lark has a great post on why blogs are not quite ready to be the SOLE solution for delivering news. It is worth a read for sure - but here is the key point (TM Andy)
"For me the real issue is the shift from the business of transmitting news to news as a dialog. From the business of sending to the business of engaging. From complete and final communications to incomplete and constructive conversations"
I couldn't agree more. Marketing and communication is about reaching your constituents and for now there are plenty of "traditional" mechanisms and distribution channels that are still relevant and appropriate.